2024 May Meeting Agenda

01 May 2024 4:22 PM | Anonymous


KC Clay Guild Board Minutes - May 1st, 2024


Start:   6:00     End:


ATTENDEES:  Cindy Pervival, Cynthia Brown, Kelly Daniels, Deborah Kashyap, Laura Tyler Strawn, Louis Reilly, John Devaney, Kelsie Herron, Josh Wood, Abby Callaghan, David Firman.



Treasurer’s Report

Votes outside of meeting

We voted to put an offer in for potential building start at $600,000 and to go up to no more than $750,000 (at least without voting again).

Spring Sale – Kelsie, Josh, Laura, Amy T, David
May 10th and May 11th

Can we do a last meeting Monday or Tuesday evening before the sale?

Amy is working on final email to send out to participants with load in/out instructions


Youth Pinch Pot Monster Workshop
May 5, 5-7

*First Sunday of each month for kids

*Second Sunday more for adults

Monitors / Volunteers  -

Had annual monitor meeting last weekend with 95% attendance. Seemed like everyone had a positive experience and had more clarity on policies. Have about 50 people on waitlist.

Publicity – Kelsie

Community Outreach/Membership

The number of active members as of 4/29 is 631.


Organizational News:
Maybe an employee or board member spotlight:
Anything else?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Education Coordinator

Summer Class—Louis

Building Maintenance -Louis

In order to enable moving the Blaauw kiln in one piece (strongly recommended by Blaauw) we need to open the wall into the kiln room and install a roll up door. I have a discounted quote to make the wall opening for ~$7,000 and the door will be another $1,000. The high cost of refabricating the complicated kiln supports for the Blaauw kiln, the risk involved in moving the kiln in pieces, and the ease at which we can move everything else out of the building through this 'dock' justify the expense. I think this will also add a bit of value to our building when it's time to sell. 


Laura – Can we get gmail email addresses for all the positions?
            -Would it be helpful to get Microsoft Word and Excel accounts? I know Louis and Amy probably use Google Sheets and Docs primarily, but Amy was having issues doing the labels because Google Docs wasn’t compatible. Would it be helpful to get an account that then Louis and Amy could have on their laptops, and then the guild computer could also have?

We were awarded the 20K matching grant from the Kauffman foundation

Artist in Residence

Going to Arkansas Pottery fest in May


Louis: We needed nice pedestals for use in our gallery and for use during the AiR exit shows, Teabowl National, etc. I have had a prototype flat pack pedestal made. We could have 20 pedestals made in various sizes that will last decades made for ~$2300. I have sample pedestals to show you all.

Strategic Planning Committee- Josh, John, Melynda, Abby, Louis

Hamburger Mary Bingo Fundraiser –

Friday, May 17 at 7pm
Will help each other advertise

On the building, we have been negotiating with the owner's representative. They initially asked $895,000 or $71.60 per sq/ft for the building. We met as a board to offer no more than $750,000 for the building. John did some more financial research and concluded we couldn't afford to pay more than $700,000. Our nonprofit speciality lender, IFF has suggested we can afford to borrow and carry a $700,000 loan. We have discussed putting in ~$100,000 cash and borrowing ~$600,000.

Once we are able to sell off our current building we would apply the proceeds (roughly $450,000 or  $93.75 per sq/ft) to the loan, knocking the principal down to $150,000. The loan would reamortize, payments would be reduced to reflect the small loan size.

We were recently awarded a $20,000 matching grant, once matched we'll have an additional $40,000. 

We offered $600,000 initially, they countered at $870,000 or $69.60 per sq/ft. We came back at $700,000 as a best and final offer. They countered at $810,000 or  $64.80 per sq/ft. We'll need to decide how to proceed tomorrow. My suggestion would be to counter at $720,000 citing the new grant.

Teabowl National –  Aimee, Josh, Louis (Committee) David

Shikha Joshi is TBN juror for 2024

Raku Weekend

Holiday Sale

Apparel Committee – Laura, Aimee, Louis, Mike

Aimee ordered aprons
Have we heard if these have been received?

New business:

Joe Smith Lifetime achievement award – want to finalize nominations

Need to get it on the website and what the criteria are

KC Clay Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 200 West 74th Street, Kansas City, MO 64114

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