2024 April Board Minutes

03 Apr 2024 9:00 AM | Anonymous


KC Clay Guild Board Minutes - April 3rd, 2024


Start:   6:00     End: 9:00


ATTENDEES:  Aimee Adams, Mike Cerv, Laura Tyler Strawn, Louis Reilly, Matt Moore, John Devaney, Kelsie Herron, Josh Wood, Melynda Stewart, Abby Callaghan, David Firman.


Josh went through Annual Meeting:

Current Financials - $201,657 Fund Raising Account, $156,597 Operational Bank Account
Fiscal Responsibility – Debt free, smooth studio operation with healthy fund balance, opportunities to fund workshops and public outreach.

By the Numbers: 650 members, 100,000 lbs of clay used, 2,000 non member passes to family fun night, 3, 200 hours of open studio time purchased, 3,000 people served through all programs.

Education: added Amy Troester as Education Coordinator

Special Events: monitor raku and Christmas parties, Teabowl National Exhibition and Demo, Raku Night-Sold Out, Holiday and Spring Sales

Volunteerism: over 4,100 monitor hours worked in studio, 1200 volunteer hours worked by Board of Directors, 1872 hours worked by AIRs.

Public Outreach: New Frontiers, AIRs on the Move, Circuit Court of Jackson County, Imagine That!, Urban Core Scholarship Program, KC Learn, Charitable Donations.
KC Clay Build: Grants, Fundraising events, individual donations. $201,657 raised so far towards the purchase of a new building.

 *Will make more of an effort to better advertise the committees*
Next Steps: Fundraising, Grants, events (Auction, Hambingo May 17th), work with Illinois Financial Fund to develop mortgage/building budget, continue to watch for buildings that fit our needs.

Nominations for Board of Directions due April 15th


Treasurer’s Report –Melynda

March Income budget: $64,910

March income actual: $40,828.45

March expenses budget: $29,167

March expenses actual: $30,263.08

March Net income budget: $35,743

March Net income actual: $10,565.37

Votes outside of meeting

Voted yes to order new pug mill – about $6,000

Spring Sale – Kelsie, Josh, Laura, Amy T
May 10th and May 11th

Next Spring Sale meeting – Tuesday, April 9th

Louis can make a KCUR advertising spot for the Spring Sale

Workshops – Mike

Second Wednesday Workshop:

April 10th 7:00 - 8:30 PM - in person and live
Will Preman – Slip Casting and Mold Making

Hands-On Adult Workshop:

April 14th 5 – 7  PM in person, sign up required

Coil Built Planter Workshop
*need to maybe cap these workshops and make clear that they are adult level

Youth Slab Built Mug workshop
April 7th, 5-7

*First Sunday of each month for kids

*Second Sunday more for adults

Hamish Jackson will be in town in October and would like to host a workshop -Louis
-Teapot masterclass all day workshop, we would need to close the studio that Sunday, 16 people, $120 a person.

*Request for terra sidge workshop

Monitors / Volunteers  - Matt

Had annual monitor meeting last weekend with 95% attendance. Seemed like everyone had a positive experience and had more clarity on policies. Have about 50 people on waitlist.

Publicity – Kelsie

Community Outreach/Membership – Aimee

640 members


-Let Laura and Aimee know ideas for May feature on what we are doing in the community, who should be featured for volunteer, teacher, or employee spotlight, workshops, and anything else to include.


Feature story – Hambingo

Teacher Spotlight – Kelly Daniels


Call for Teabowl National

Education – Abby

Started AIRs on the move back up again

Education Coordinator – Amy Troester
High Aspirations and advertise Urban Core Scholarship

Helping teachers in KC schools how to use kilns, teach ceramics, etc

Doing a raku firing at Truman High School, April 29th

Summer Class—Louis

130 spots are filled out of 192

Building Maintenance -Louis

Ordered the pug mill.

Thinking about adding a garage door to our kiln room so we can transport it out so we can get the blauw kiln out in one piece.


GrantsArtsKC awarded us $5,000 and we’ll be able to get another $5,000 next year without having to apply again.

Artist in Residence
Had a good trip to NCECA with everyone

Going to Arkansas Pottery fest in May

Residency applications are due on April 15th

– David

Would be helpful for David to send an inventory list of what was sold with the inventory number

Strategic Planning Committee- Josh, John, Melynda, Abby, Louis

Looking into potential new building and potentially making offer

Old school built in 1975, laid out really well for our needs, and wouldn’t need a huge renovation

13,000 square feet

Hamburger Mary Bingo Fundraiser –

Friday, May 17 at 7pm
Will help each other advertise

Teabowl National –  Aimee, Josh, Louis (Committee) David

Shikha Joshi is TBN juror for 2024

Raku Weekend 

Holiday Sale

Apparel Committee – Laura, Aimee, Louis, Mike

Aimee ordered aprons

New business:

Joe Smith Lifetime achievement award – want to finalize nominations

Need to get it on the website and what the criteria are

KC Clay Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. 200 West 74th Street, Kansas City, MO 64114

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